
Exceeding Innovations and research in Caring Women and Newborns with Skill and Compassion

Euro Midwifery Congress 2018

Renowned Speakers

Euro Midwifery Congress 2018



Dear Medical & Midwifery Nursing Professionals:

It is with immense pleasure and gratitude that I undertake this extraordinary opportunity to introduce you to the Midwifery and Women's Health 2018 series for this year to he held on October 15-16 in Athens, Greece. I must admit that as a Reproductive Specialist in various forms of Assisted Reproductive Technologies and the “Father of Andrology”, I have been very actively involved in the areas of Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Procreation and the Reproductive Medicine arena for over 45 years, particularly working in the diagnosis and treatment of human infertility with emphasis in male infertility and possible modes for establishing and maintaining a pregnancy. As the “Father of Andrology”, I am considered as one of the top world experts on the use of various modalities in the enhancement of male fertility aiming towards human procreation.

In reviewing all of the aims and scope of the Fourth International Conference on Midwifery and Women's Health 2018 series to he held on October 15-16 in Athens, Greece, I see very clearly that it offers a rather unique opportunity to provide nurses and midwives with professional guidance and support on matters relating to the scope of their clinical practice and to be brought up to date on the most current happenings in medicine and the midwifery industry areas. It is with this spirit and scope that I highly recommend to everyone in attending and participating at this conference.

Best Wishes,
Prof. Dr. Panos Zavos,
Director & Chief of Andrology,
Andrology Institute of America      

                             Track: Nursing

Nursing education comprises of the theoretical and informal preparing furnished to medical attendants with the reason to set them up for their   obligations as nursing care experts. This instruction is given to nursing understudies by experienced attendants and other Therapeutic experts who have qualified or experienced for instructive errands. Most nations offer medical caretaker instruction courses that can be pertinent to general nursing   or to specific ranges including psychological wellness nursing, pediatric nursing and Post operatory nursing.  Courses   prompting independent enlistment as a medical attendant normally most recent four years. Medical attendant instruction likewise gives post-capability courses in expert subjects inside nursing. Patients in critical condition are often deemed to be unstable, often unconscious, with erratic or extremely unhealthy vital signs. Many of these patients could also possibly be close to death. Because of this, the care that critical patients receive should be top-notch and highly specialized.

Related Nursing Conferences | Midwifery Conferences | Nursing Events

18th World Congress on Clinical Nursing and Practice, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 4th International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 29th International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Nursing, Sep 20-22, 2018, Oslo, Norway; Nurse Education Conferences CanadaAnnual Nursing Pharmacology, Sep14-15, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 25th Global Conference on Nursing and Health Care, August 21-22, 2018, Paris, France; International Conferences on Midwifery, Jan 30-31, 2019, New York, USA; International Conferences on Midwifery and Women Healthcare, Mar 05-06, 2019, Rome, ItalyInternational Conference on and Nursing Care Clinical Nursing, May 03-04, 2018,Singapore ; International Conference on Nursing Care and Nursing Education , May 26-27, 2019, Barcelona ; International Conference on Holistic Nursing and Nursing Practice , Jan 22-23, 2018 , Dubai 

                                                                          Track: Midwifery

The Midwife is perceived as a mindful and responsible expert who works in association with ladies to give the essential help, care and guidance amid pregnancy, work and the baby blues period, to direct births alone duty and to give care to the new Conceived and the newborn child. This care incorporates deterrent measures, the advancement of ordinary birth, the location of inconveniences in mother and tyke, the getting to of medicinal care or other suitable help and the completing of crisis measures. Maternity specialists have a critical part in wellbeing and health advancement and training for the lady, her family and the group. Maternity care rehearse includes illuminating and setting up the lady and her family for pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and Parenthood and incorporates certain parts of ladies' wellbeing, family arranging and newborn child prosperity. A birthing specialist May rehearse in any setting including the home, group, doctor's facilities, centers or wellbeing units.

Related Nursing Conferences | Midwifery Conferences | Nursing Events

18th World Congress on Clinical Nursing and Practice, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 4th International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 29th International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Nursing, Sep 20-22, 2018, Oslo, Norway; Nurse Education Conferences CanadaAnnual Nursing Pharmacology, Sep14-15, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 25th Global Conference on Nursing and Health Care, August 21-22, 2018, Paris, France; International Conferences on Midwifery, Jan 30-31, 2019, New York, USA; International Conferences on Midwifery and Women Healthcare, Mar 05-06, 2019, Rome, ItalyInternational Conference on and Nursing Care Clinical Nursing, May 03-04, 2018,Singapore ; International Conference on Nursing Care and Nursing Education , May 26-27, 2019, Barcelona ; International Conference on Holistic Nursing and Nursing Practice , Jan 22-23, 2018 , Dubai 

                                                                       Track: Midwifery Care

Midwifery care is balanced and continuous in nature, understanding of the social, cultural, spiritual, emotional, physical and psychological struggle of women.  Midwives are described as gatekeepers defining active labour. Prenatal care involves a series of regular tests and evaluations with the midwife. Moreover, prenatal care also helps in detecting and preventing several types of diseases that can be attacked to mother and then spread to baby. Postnatal care should be a continuation of the care the woman received during her pregnancy, labour and birth of a new born. Post natal care should involve proper planning and regularly reviewing the content and timing of care, for individual women and their babies. Midwives serve child bearing women from initial puberty to menopause, including care for their new born (neonatology), antepartum, intra partum, postpartum and  gynaecological care.

Related Nursing Conferences | Midwifery Conferences | Nursing Events

18th World Congress on Clinical Nursing and Practice, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 4th International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 29th International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Nursing, Sep 20-22, 2018, Oslo, Norway; Nurse Education Conferences CanadaAnnual Nursing Pharmacology, Sep14-15, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 25th Global Conference on Nursing and Health Care, August 21-22, 2018, Paris, France;  International Conference on Clinical Nursing and Midwifery, Oct 25-26, 2018, Bangkok; International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery Research, Nov 14-15, 2018,Venice ; International Conference on Clinical Nursing and Midwifery Practice, Aug 27-28, 2018,Paris ; International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, Jan 21-22, 2019,London ; International Conference on Midwifery and Women Healthcare, Mar 05-06, 2019, Rome ; International Conference on Nurse Midwife, Fertility and Midwifery Care, Apr 18-19, 2019,paris 

                                                       Track:  Midwifery in Pediatrics

Pediatrics is a category of medicine which plays a major role in midwifery. It prepares the proficient practice nurses/ midwife to administer Primary health management to women and their infants, children, and adolescents. Relying on framework of midwifery and adolescent development, it provides direct care for women and children as well as stimulates healthy habits that reduce the risk of ailment and disease.Midwives are the primary caregiver for pregnant women, they can be called as an obstetrician as well. Pediatric nurses often aid doctors by providing medical care and information about diseases and treatment plans to their young patients. Pediatricians work in hospitals, clinics, and are also involved in private practices. Midwives practice in hospitals and private practice medical clinics and may also deliver babies in birthing centers as well as attend at-home births. Some proficient practioners also work in academic institutions as professors. They are efficient enough to prescribe medications, treatments, medical devices, therapeutic and diagnostic measures. They are capable to serve medical care to women from puberty through menopause and includes care for their neonate (neonatology), intrapartum, antepartum, nonsurgical  gynecological care and postpartum.

 Related Nursing Conferences | Midwifery Conferences | Nursing Events

18th World Congress on Clinical Nursing and Practice, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 4th International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 29th International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Nursing, Sep 20-22, 2018, Oslo, Norway; Nurse Education Conferences CanadaAnnual Nursing Pharmacology, Sep14-15, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 25th Global Conference on Nursing and Health Care, August 21-22, 2018, Paris, France;  International Conference on Midwifery Science, Feb 19-20, 2018,Paris ; International Conference on Midwifery and Women Healthcare, Mar 05-06, 2019, Rome ; International Conference on Nurse Midwife, Fertility and Midwifery Care, Apr 18-19, 2019,paris ; International Conference on Nurse Midwife and Midwifery Science, Mar 30-31, 2019,Osaka 

                                                       Track: Midwifery Nursing Practice

License Practice nursing (LPN) involves Compile patient health information, Take vital signs, monitor frequency and amounts, administer medications, checks blood pressure, Provide personal hygiene assistance to patients and conduct other basic care treatments.  Midwife nursing practice includes Evidence based practice (EBP) which is the conscientious use of current best evidence in making decisions about patient care and treatment. The contact of evidence-based practice has echoed across nursing education, practice and science. Registered nursing requires a large base of knowledge used to plan, assess and intervene to promote health, prevent disease and aids patients to cope with illness.

Related Nursing Conferences | Midwifery Conferences | Nursing Events

18th World Congress on Clinical Nursing and Practice, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 4th International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 29th International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Nursing, Sep 20-22, 2018, Oslo, Norway; Nurse Education Conferences CanadaAnnual Nursing Pharmacology, Sep14-15, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 25th Global Conference on Nursing and Health Care, August 21-22, 2018, Paris, France;  International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery Practice, Jan 25-26, 2018,Paris ; International Conference on Clinical Nursing and Midwifery Practice, Jan 21-22, 2019, Amsterdam ; International Conference on Clinical Nursing and Midwifery Practice, Aug 27-28, 2018, Paris, France

                                                          Track: Midwifery in Maternal Care

Principle standards in maternity mind training and practice, depicted as the birthing assistance show and the medicinal model. These terms get from the sorts of care doctors and maternity specialists have verifiably given. The great maternity care display depends on the suspicion that most pregnancies, works, and births are typical organic procedures that outcome in solid results for both moms and infants. Invulnerability advancement for the youngster begins to enhance in the end through the special drain. Special strengthening likewise helps in overseeing weight of the mother in the end. A maternity specialist's recommendation in the baby sustaining at the underlying stages after the introduction of the kid at first for the initial three months after the birth adds to the mother's wellbeing. It concentrates on amplifying the wellbeing and health of a lady and babies

Related Nursing Conferences | Midwifery Conferences | Nursing Events

18th World Congress on Clinical Nursing and Practice, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 4th International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 29th International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Nursing, Sep 20-22, 2018, Oslo, Norway;     Nurse Education Conferences CanadaAnnual Nursing Pharmacology, Sep14-15, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 25th Global Conference on Nursing and Health Care, August 21-22, 2018, Paris, France;  International Conference on Palliative Care and Supportive Care, Jun 21-22, 2018, Toronto ; International Conference on Nursing Care Quality and Patient Care, Apr 23-24, 2018, Boston; International Conference on Patient Care and Nursing Care Quality, Jul 12-13, 2018, Stockholm

                                             Track: Gynecology and obstetrics Midwifery

Gynecology and obstetrics are the studies of the female reproductive system. Obstetrics is the branch of medicine that focuses on women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Gynecology is a broader field, focusing on the general health care of women and treating conditions that affect the female reproductive organs. Doctors who are specialized in gynecology and obstetrics will have to undergo four years of post-medical school training in the areas of women’s general health, pregnancy, labor and delivery, preconception and postpartum care, prenatal testing, and genetics. For example, women may be referred as gynecologists in the earlier stages of pregnancy, and obstetricians later in their term.

Related Nursing Conferences | Midwifery Conferences | Nursing Events

18th World Congress on Clinical Nursing and Practice, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 4th International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 29th International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Nursing, Sep 20-22, 2018, Oslo, Norway;     Nurse Education Conferences CanadaAnnual Nursing Pharmacology, Sep14-15, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 25th Global Conference on Nursing and Health Care, August 21-22, 2018, Paris, France;  International Conference on Gynecology and Obstetrics, Jul 09-10, 2019, Prague; International Conference on Gynecology and Obstetrics, Jan 21-22, 2019, Amsterdam; International Conference on Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dec 05-06, 2018, Melbourne

                                                             Track: Gerontological Nursing

Geriatric nursing is the forte of nursing relating to more established grown-ups. Gerontological medical caretakers work as a team with more seasoned grown-ups, their families, and groups to bolster sound maturing, greatest working, and personal satisfaction. The term gerontological nursing, which transfer the term geriatric nursing in the 1970s, is seen as being steadier with the claim to fame's more extensive spotlight on wellbeing and health, notwithstanding illness. Gerontological nursing is critical to meet the wellbeing needs of a maturing populace. Because of longer future and declining ripeness rates, the extent of the populace that is viewed as old is expanding. Somewhere around 2000 and 2050, the quantity of individuals on the planet who are over age 60 is anticipated expansion from 605 million to 2 billion. The extent of more seasoned grown-ups is now high and keeping on expanding in more created nations. In 2010, seniors (matured 65 and more seasoned) made up 13% of the populaces of the US. By 2050, it extents to 21%.

Related Nursing Conferences | Midwifery Conferences | Nursing Events

18th World Congress on Clinical Nursing and Practice, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 4th International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 29th International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Nursing, Sep 20-22, 2018, Oslo, Norway;     Nurse Education Conferences CanadaAnnual Nursing Pharmacology, Sep14-15, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 25th Global Conference on Nursing and Health Care, August 21-22, 2018, Paris, France;  International Conference on Gerontological Nursing, Jan 08-09, 2018, Singapore; International Conference on Essentials of Gerontological Nursing, Dec 14-15, 2017, Miami; International Conference on Gerontological Nursing Issues, Dec 20-21, 2018, Istanbul

                                                                     Track: Breast Feeding

The Canadian Pediatric Society prescribes select breastfeeding as the ideal strategy for newborn child bolstering for the initial a half year of life for sound, term babies (1). There are numerous advantages related with breastfeeding, including wholesome, immunological, mental, formative, ecological, social, financial and wellbeing. To advance, secure and bolster breastfeeding, each exertion must be made to limit contraindications to breastfeeding, especially superfluous ones. The present article compresses the maternal irresistible illnesses in which keeping breastfeeding is suggested, the not very many irresistible ailments in which it isn't prescribed, the uncommon occurrences in which maternal antimicrobial treatment demonstrates an alert for breastfeeding, and the continuation of breastfeeding when a mother or her newborn child is accepting a routine suggested vaccination. 


Related Nursing Conferences | Midwifery Conferences | Nursing Events

18th World Congress on Clinical Nursing and Practice, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 4th International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 29th International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Nursing, Sep 20-22, 2018, Oslo, Norway;  Nurse Education Conferences CanadaAnnual Nursing Pharmacology, Sep14-15, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 25th Global Conference on Nursing and Health Care, August 21-22, 2018, Paris, France

International Conference on Surgical Nursing and Surgical Infections, Oct 11-12, 2018, Los Angles; International Conference on Surgical Nursing and Surgical Infections, Jan 21-22, 2019, Amsterdam; International Conference on Surgical Nursing, Surgical Infections and Patient Care, Nov 08-09, 2018, Paris; International Conference on Surgical Nursing and Practice, Apr 19-20, 2018, New York

                                                               Track:Uterine Diseases

The uterus, or womb, is where an infant develops when a lady is pregnant. The primary indication of an issue with the uterus might seep between periods or after sex. Causes can incorporate hormones, thyroid issues, fibroids, polyps, malignancy, disease, or pregnancy.Treatment relies upon the reason. Now and then conception prevention pills treat hormonal lopsided characteristics. In the event that a thyroid issue is the reason, treating it might likewise stop the dying. In the event that you have growth or hyperplasia, an abundance of typical cells in the uterus, you may require surgery. With two other uterine issues, tissue that regularly lines the uterus develops where it should. In endometriosis, it becomes outside the uterus. In adenomyosis, it develops in the uterus outside dividers. Agony drug may help different medicines incorporate hormones and surgery.      

Related Nursing Conferences | Midwifery Conferences | Nursing Events

18th World Congress on Clinical Nursing and Practice, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 4th International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 29th International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Nursing, Sep 20-22, 2018, Oslo, Norway;     Nurse Education Conferences CanadaAnnual Nursing Pharmacology, Sep14-15, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 25th Global Conference on Nursing and Health Care, August 21-22, 2018, Paris, France;  International Conference on Public Health Nursing and Public Health Interventions, Sep 10-11, 2018, Tokyo; International Conference on Public Health Nursing and Modern Public Health, Aug 27-28, 2018, New York; International Conference on Public Health Nursing and Public Health, Aug 16-17, 2018, Istanbul

                                                         Track: Midwifery Online Nursing

Online nursing sets and surveys gauges for the instruction, preparing, lead and execution. The Nursing and birthing assistance chamber keeps up an enlist of all medical caretakers, Maternity specialists and master group general wellbeing attendants qualified to hone.. The NMC (National Midwifery Council) likewise examines charges of debilitated wellness to rehearse. Many schools offer a quickened Bachelor's degree in nursing program. School attendants endeavor to encourage positive understudy reactions to typical human advancement; advance wellbeing and security in the school condition; intercede with genuine and potential medical issues; giving case administration administrations; and effectively team up with others to assemble understudy and family limit with respect to adjustment, self-mind, self-support, and learning. Nursing understudies enter undergrad nursing school with the objective of turning into an Advanced Practice Nurse (APRN), while others build up the craving to go to graduate school following quite a while of Registered Nursing. Work and Delivery Nursing is a well-known claim to fame among attendants, with some of these medical attendants looking for graduate instruction for Nurse Midwifery. It is a propelled rehearses enlisted nurture that has specific instruction and preparing in birthing assistance.

Related Nursing Conferences | Midwifery Conferences | Nursing Events

18th World Congress on Clinical Nursing and Practice, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 4th International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 29th International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Nursing, Sep 20-22, 2018, Oslo, Norway; Nurse Education Conferences CanadaAnnual Nursing Pharmacology, Sep14-15, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 25th Global Conference on Nursing and Health Care, August 21-22, 2018, Paris, France; International Conferences on Midwifery, Jan 30-31, 2019, New York, USA; International Conferences on Midwifery and Women Healthcare, Mar 05-06, 2019, Rome, ItalyInternational Conference on and Nursing Care Clinical Nursing, May 03-04, 2018,Singapore ; International Conference on Nursing Care and Nursing Education , May 26-27, 2019, Barcelona ; International Conference on Holistic Nursing and Nursing Practice , Jan 22-23, 2018 , Dubai 

                                                     Track: Reproductive and Sexual Health

Sexual and conceptive wellbeing is a condition of finish physical, mental and social prosperity in all Issues identifying with the regenerative framework. It suggests that individuals can have a delightful and safe sexual coexistence, the ability to recreate, and the flexibility to choose if, when, and how regularly to do as such.They should be educated and enabled to shield themselves from sexually transmitted diseases. Also, when they choose to have kids, ladies must approach benefits that can enable them to have a fit pregnancy, safe conveyance and sound infant.Each individual has the privilege to settle on their own decisions about their sexual and conceptive wellbeing.  UNFPA,  together with an extensive variety of accomplices, moves in the direction of the objective of widespread access to sexual and regenerative wellbeing and rights, including family arranging.

Related Nursing Conferences | Midwifery Conferences | Nursing Events

18th World Congress on Clinical Nursing and Practice, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 4th International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 29th International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Nursing, Sep 20-22, 2018, Oslo, Norway;     Nurse Education Conferences CanadaAnnual Nursing Pharmacology, Sep14-15, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 25th Global Conference on Nursing and Health Care, August 21-22, 2018, Paris, France;  International Conference on Gerontological Nursing, Jan 08-09, 2018, Singapore; International Conference on Essentials of Gerontological Nursing, Dec 14-15, 2017, Miami; International Conference on Gerontological Nursing Issues, Dec 20-21, 2018, Istanbul

                                                            Track: Influence of Drugs on Pregnancy

As an eager mother, we need to see the child to be as solid as could be allowed. We should keep in mind that the vast majority of what you devour is passed along to your developing baby. While a few things are useful for your infant, others can be hurtful. Liquor and unlawful medications are known to be especially perilous for a creating child. Any measure of these substances is viewed as perilous amid pregnancy. You ought to maintain a strategic distance from them by and large while you're pregnant. Stopping before you get pregnant is perfect, however ceasing medication or liquor use anytime amid pregnancy will profit your infant. 

Related Nursing Conferences | Midwifery Conferences | Nursing Events

18th World Congress on Clinical Nursing and Practice, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 4th International Conference on Nursing and Midwifery, June 11-13, 2018, Athens, Greece; 29th International Conference on Neonatal and Pediatric Nursing, Sep 20-22, 2018, Oslo, Norway; Nurse Education Conferences CanadaAnnual Nursing Pharmacology, Sep14-15, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 25th Global Conference on Nursing and Health Care, August 21-22, 2018, Paris, France; International Conferences on Midwifery, Jan 30-31, 2019, New York, USA; International Conferences on Midwifery and Women Healthcare, Mar 05-06, 2019, Rome, ItalyInternational Conference on and Nursing Care Clinical Nursing, May 03-04, 2018,Singapore ; International Conference on Nursing Care and Nursing Education , May 26-27, 2019, Barcelona ; International Conference on Holistic Nursing and Nursing Practice , Jan 22-23, 2018 , Dubai    

Conference Series llc LTD  invites all participants to attend “4th International Conference on Midwifery and Women's Health (Euro Midwifery Congress 2018) which is scheduled during october 15-16, 2018 at Athens, Greece. This Conference focuses around the theme Excelling Innovations and research in nursing and midwifery practice

The attention of this gathering is to upgrade medical caretakers' learning in regards to progresses in the care and treatment of people with nursing and midwifery. This is the best chance to achieve the biggest collection of members from the nursing and midwifery. Direct introductions, appropriate data, meet with present and potential researchers, make a sprinkle with better approaches for treatment and mind, and get name acknowledgment at this 2-day conference. Widely acclaimed speakers, the latest systems, advancements, and the most up to date refreshes in Nursing are signs of this meeting.

Scope and Importance of the Conference:

The extent of midwifery nursing and Practice envelops clinical practice, training, counsel, research, and organization. Midwifery care is balanced and continuous in nature, understanding of the social, cultural, spiritual, emotional, physical and psychological struggle of women. Midwives are described as gatekeepers defining active labour. The range of roles, functions, responsibilities and activities which a registered nurse or registered midwife is educated, competent and has authority to perform.  The purpose of the Scope of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Framework (the Framework) is to provide nurses and midwives with professional guidance and support on matters relating to the scope of their clinical practice. It incorporates a flowchart to help nurses and midwives to define and make decisions about their own scope of practice.. In the Clinical Nursing and Practice field the medical caretakers need a comprehension of Nursing Care and Health Care. They are additionally in charge of broad side effect administration, persistent training and the accommodation procedure for clinical trials or research conventions

Conference Series llc LTD is a World’s leading Event Organizer that organizes 1000+ Global Events inclusive of 300+ Conferences, 500+ Upcoming and Previous Symposiums and Workshops in USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members

Target Audience:

  • Nurses and Nursing Students
  • Nursing Researchers
  • Nursing Professors and Faculty
  • Medical College students
  • Clinical Nursing & Midwifery Associations
  • Nursing Associations and Societies
  • Nursing Business Entrepreneurs
  • Nursing Training Institutes
  • Nursing Equipment designing companies
  • Medical Devices software Developer Companies
  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Physician assistants
  • Advanced practice nurses
  • Clinical research nurses and social workers

                                                                                Market Analysis

Euro Midwifery Congress 2018 welcomes all the attendees, presenters, associations and exhibitors from all over the world to Athens, Greece. We are delighted to invite you all to attend the “4th International Conference on Midwifery and Women's Health ” which is going to be held during October 15-16, 2018 at Athens, Greece. This Congress Committee is gearing up for an exciting and informative conference program including plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on informative topics, poster presentations and various programs for participants from all over the world. We invite you to join us at the Euro Midwifery Congress 2018, to share meaningful experience with scholars from around the world. We look forward to see you at Athens, Greece.

For more info:

Importance & Scope:

Euro Midwifery Congress 2018 works in partnership with women, on her own professional responsibility, to give women the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period up to six weeks, to facilitate births and to provide care for the new born. The midwife understands, promotes and facilitates the physiological processes of pregnancy and childbirth, identifies complications.

Why Athens?

Athens is the capital and largest city of Greece. It dominates the Attica region and is one of the world's oldest cities, with its recorded history spanning over 3,400 years, and its earliest human presence starting somewhere between the 11th and 7th millennia BC. Classical Athens was a powerful city-state that emerged in conjunction with the seagoing development of the port of Piraeus, which had been a distinct city prior to its 5th century BC incorporation with Athens. A center for the arts, learning and philosophy, home of Plato's Academy and Aristotle's Lyceum, it is widely referred to as the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, largely because of its cultural and political impact on the European continent, and in particular the Romans. The heritage of the classical era is still evident in the city, represented by ancient monuments and works of art, the most famous of all being the Parthenon, considered a key landmark of early Western civilization. The city also retains Roman and Byzantine monuments, as well as a smaller number of Ottoman monuments. August is the hottest month in Athens with an average temperature of 29°C (84°F) and the coldest is January at10°C (50°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 12 in July. The wettest month is December with an average of 97.6mm of rain. The best month to swim in the sea is in August when the average sea temperature is 25°C (77°F).

Conference Highlights:

·         Nursing

·         Midwifery

·         Midwifery Care

·         Midwifery in Pediatrics

·         Midwifery Nursing Practice

·         Midwifery in Maternal Care

·         Gynecology and obstetrics Midwifery

·         Gerontological Nursing

·         Surgical Nursing

·         Clinical Nursing

·         Public Health

·         Midwifery Online Nursing

·         Reproductive and Sexual Health

·         Influence of Drugs on Pregnancy


Why to attend???

Nursing Midwifery Conferences provides a worldwide stage to trading thoughts and make us feel great about the most recent advancements in nursing and midwifery care services. Chance to listen the introductions conveyed by Eminent Scientists from everywhere throughout the world.

·         Opportunity to attend the presentations delivered by Eminent Scientists from all over the world.

·         Selected contributions will be published in Journal of Emergency Medicine for free of cost.

·         Best poster presentations and Young scientist awards.

·         Participation in sessions on specific topics on which the conference is expected to achieve progress.

·         Global networking: In transferring and exchanging Ideas.


Members Associated with Nursing Midwifery Research

Leading health care professionals , Doctors, Registered Nurses, Professors, Associate Professors, Research fellows, Directors, Deans and many more from leading universities, companies and medical research institutions, hospitals sharing their novel researches in the arena of Nursing, Healthcare & Medicine.

Academia   40%

Industry      20%

Hospitals    20%

Others         20%

 Statistical Analysis of Members Associated with Nursing

Universities Associated with Nursing:

Universities in Athens :

  • Athens Technical College
  • National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

·         Webster University - Athens Campus

·         Mediterranean College

·         Institution of Counselling & Psychological Studies (ICPS)

·         British Hellenic College

Universities in Greece  :

·         Athens School of Fine Arts

·         Athens University of Economics and Business

·         Democritus University of Thrace

·         Harokopio University

·         Hellenic Open University

·         International Hellenic University

·         Ionian University

·         National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

·         National Technical University of Athens

·         Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences

·         Technical University of Crete

·         University of the Aegean

·         University of Crete

·         University of Ioannina

·         University of Macedonia

Top Universities around the Globe

·         Anglia Ruskin University

·         Arcada University of Applied Sciences

·         Centre for Caring Sciences: Uppsala, Sweden

·         Centria University of Applied Sciences

·         CEU Cardinal Herrera University

·         Dublin City University

·         Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

·         Institute of Nursing Science

·         International University of Catalonia

·         Karlova University

·         Karol Marcinkowski" University of Medical Sciences in Poznan

·         Keele University

·         King's College London

·         Laurea University of Applied Sciences

·         Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

·         Medical University of Silesia

·         Middlesex University

·         National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

·         Novia University of Applied Sciences

·         Nursing at the University Hospital, Hamburg

·         Nursing in Bizkaia

·         Oradea University: Faculty of Medicine

·         Oslo University College

·         Red Cross College of Nursing and Health

·         Samara State Medical University

·         School of Nursing and Physiotherapy Blanquerna

·         School of Nursing at the Univ. Barcelona

·         Sevilla University

·         The "Iuliu Hatieganu" University: College of Nursing

·         The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

·         Trinity College, Dublin - School of Nursing & Midwifery Studies

·         Turku University of Applied Sciences

·         Ulm University Hospital: Nursing School

·         University College Cork

·         University College Dublin

·         University of Bergen: Division for Nursing Sciences

·         University of Central Lancashire

·         University of Derby

·         University of Dundee

·         University of East Anglia

·         University of Kuopio

·         University of London

·         University of Maribor

·         University of Tampere

·         University of Turku

·         University School of Nursing Alicante

·         University School of Nursing Valencia

·         Volgograd Medical Academy

                                Statistical Analysis of Universities

Associations Associated with Nursing

Major Nursing Associations in Greece

  • Hellenic Nurses Association
  • Greek Care Homes Association
  • Hellenic Nurses' Association
  • Independent Federation of Nursing
  • The International Council of Nurses

Major Nursing Associations around the Globe

  • Academy of Neonatal Nursing
  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing
  • American Association of Nurse Anaesthetists
  • American Nurses Association
  • American Psychiatric Nurses Association
  • Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
  • Association of Women's Health
  • Austrian Health and Nursing Association
  • Belgium SIZ Nursing Association
  • Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
  • Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools
  • Community Nursing Association
  • Croatian Nurses Association 
  • Cyprus The Nurses Association Pan Cyprian Association of Nurses
  • Czech National Association of Nurses
  • Danish Association of Critical Care Nurses and Nurse Anaesthetists
  • European Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association
  • European Federation of Critical Care Nursing Associations
  • European Federation of Nurse Educators
  • European Honour Society of Nursing and Midwifery
  • European Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care
  • FAECAP-Community Health and Primary Care Nurses Association
  • Federation of European Nurses in Diabetes
  • Finnish Nurses Association
  • French Nursing Research Association  
  • Health On the Net Foundation
  • Hellenic  Nurses Association
  • Lithuanian Nurses Association 
  • Macedonian Association of Nurses
  • Malta Union of Midwives & Nurses
  • Minnesota Nurses Association
  • National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses
  • National Association of Nurse  Luxembourg
  • National Certification Corporation
  • National Federation of Nurses of Belgium
  • National Student Nurses' Association
  • Norwegian Nurses Association
  • Norwegian Nurses Organisation Area of Critical care nurses, NSFLIS
  • Nurses Association of Slovenia 
  • Nursing Organization of Valencia
  • Nursing Students Without Borders
  • Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses
  • Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation
  • Polish Nurses Association  
  • Romanian Nursing Association 
  • Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc.
  • Swedish Society of Nurses and Technicians in Cancer Care
  • Swiss Nursing Association (SBK-ASI)
  • Technicians and Midwives 
  • The Association of Occupational Health Nursing (BAV)
  • The College of Nurses and Midwives
  • The Danish Nurses' Organization
  • Turkish Association of Critical Care Nurses Association of Critical Care Nurses

                     Statistical Analysis of Associations

Leading Hospitals in Athens:

·         Women’s Center Of Athens

·         St Mary’s Hospital


·         Compass Health Systems

·         East Georgia Radiation Oncology Center

·         Northeast Health District

·         Children’s Specialty Services At St Mary’s

·         Laikο General Hospital of Athens

·         Alexandra General Hospital

·         Pammakaristos Hospital

·         Aretaieio Hospital of Athens

Leading Hospitals in Greece:

·         Hygeia Hospital

·         Mitera General Maternity & Chinldren's Hospital

·         Regional General Hospital Evangelismos

·         Tzaneio Hospital

·         General Hospital of Heraklion Regional University

·         Athens Medical Group

·         Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center

·         Chania General Hospital St George

·         Euroclinic of Athens Private Center “Evrokliniki Athinon

·         Papageorgiou Hospital

·         General Hospital of Atticca

·         Athens General Hospital G Gennimatas

·         Mediterraneo Hospital

·         Metropolitan Hospital

·         Attic's Regional Hospital Sismanoglio

·         Hospital Afrodision & Dermatikon A Syngros Hospital

·         Venizelion General Hospital

·         University Hospital of Ioannina

·         Regional General Hospital for Pulmonary and Heart Diseases

·         Henry Dunant Hospital

·         General Hospital Patron The San Andreas

·         Children's Hospital Hagia Sophia

·         University General Hospital of Alexandroupolis

·         General Hospital Serres

Leading Hospitals around the Globe:

·         302 Military Hospital of China

·         Academy of Military Medical Sciences

·         ACIBADEM

·         Affiliated to Suzhou University Children's Hospital

·         Anhui Provincial Hospital

·         Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago

·         Aravind Eye Care System

·         Armed Police General Hospital

·         Asan Medical Center Seoul

·         Asklepios Klinikum Bad Abbach

·         Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris

·         Baptist Medical Center

·         Baskent Universitesi Adana Hastanesi

·         Baylor University Medical Center

·         Beijing Hospital

·         Beijing Maternity Hospital

·         Beijing Tong Ren Hospital Capital Medical University

·         Beppu National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Severe Disabilities

·         Bma Medical College and Vajira Hospital

·         Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital

·         Bumrungrad Internacional Hospital

·         Cancer Institute & Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

·         Cantonal Hospital St.Gallen

·         Carolinas Medical Center

·         Case Medical Center

·         Cathay General Hospital

·         Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

·         Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

·         Changchun City Mental Hospital (Sixth Hospital of Changchun City)

·         Changhua Christian Hospital Changhua City

·         Cheng Ching Hospital

·         Chi Mei Medical Center

·         Chia-Yi Christian Hospital

·         Children’s Medical Center of Dallas

·         Ching Chyuan Hospital

·         Chung Ho Memorial Hospital Kaohsiung Medical University

·         Clalit Health Services

·         Cleveland Clinic

·         Department of Otolaryngology Otolaryngology Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich

·         Dokkyo Medical University Hospital

·         E Da Hospital / I Shou University

·         El Camino Hospital

·         Erasmus Medical Center Universitait Medical Center Rotterdam

·         Ewha Women Medical Medical Center

·         First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University

·         First Affiliated Hospital of Medical College Qingdao University

·         Fort Suranaree Hospital

·         Fudan University Cancer Hospital Shanghai

·         Gachon University Gil Medical Center

·         General Hospital of The Air Force P.L.A.

·         Guangdong Provincial Disease Prevention and Control Centre

·         Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital

·         Guangdong Provincial TCM Hospital

·         Guangzhou City Twelfth People's Hospital

·         Guangzhou Soogood Medical Cosmetology Hospital

·         Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital NHS

·         Hackensack University Medical Center

·         Hadassah Medical Organization

·         Hallym University Medical Center

·         Haydarpasa Gata Arastirma Hastanesi

·         HELIOS clinics group

·         Heping Hospital of Changzhi Medical College

·         Hirslanden Privatklinikgruppe

·         Hospital Authority

·         Hospital of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

·         Hospital of the city Dornbirn

·         Houston Methodist Hospital

·         Huashan Hospital Fudan

·         Inselspital Universitatsspital Bern

·         Institute of Cancer Research Royal Cancer Hospital


Statistical Analysis of Hospitals Associated with Nursing



Investment on Nursing:

A new £107m funding package for healthcare professionals in Wales will see the number of nurse training places increase by 10% in 2018.The funds will add a further 161 nurse training places across Wales, bringing the total to 1,911, and will also see additional training places for health visitors created.The 10% rise for 2018 follows a 13% increase in 2017 and a 10% in 2016. Of that £107m, around £2m per year will be used to support a pilot of neighbourhood nursing care, with £1.4m going towards the education and training programmes for district nurses.Welsh health secretary Vaughan Gething  said the investment was important to ‘secure the long-term future of the health service’.

Market Value on Nursing

Nursing is one of the strongest candidates out there. Although some aspects of the role may be susceptible to automation—in Japan scientists have developed a robot that can hand out medication and collect records—the central importance of empathy and advanced motor skills to nursing jobs makes it highly unlikely that machines will be replacing humans at our bedsides any time soon. But that’s not all: According to the 2014 U.S. Census Bureau report, by 2050, the number of U.S. residents aged 65 and over is projected to be 83.7 million. As the population ages, there will be ever greater demand for healthcare professionals of all stripes, including nurses. And unlike many other fast growing “jobs of the future,” the doors of a nursing career are open to those without a college degree.But there’s a flip side, one that’s all too familiar to employers. As demand for nurses rises, the supply of qualified candidates does not always keep up, with the result that the U.S. faces a nursing shortage. So what is to be done? To get a deeper insight into the situation, we spoke with Dr. Joyce Knestrick, president of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and an Associate Professor of Nursing at Georgetown University.




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